Monday, 30 August 2010

University Open Days

This should be a no brainer.


Even if it is far away. Otherwise how else can you see yourself there if you’ve never been?

I can be pretty shy when it comes to talking to random people and though my friends would never think that of me it’s a lot different to meeting friends than to say, you’re future teachers.
But you’ve got to put that aside. Many parents - I know mine did – they wouldn’t speak for you. They wouldn’t ask questions for you but instead asked you if you had any questions you wanted to ask.

The amount of times when I’ve thought of a question for someone but was so petrified of asking incase it was silly is like a Santa’s good and bad list.
You’ve just got to ask them. Even if it is silly or you’re throat goes dry or if it comes out funny.
Think of it this way, it probably happens a lot and if you do embarrass yourself no-one’s going to remember – that only happens in movies.

Case Study::
“Emma is very timid. She’s only crazy around the mates she’s known for years and years. When she finally made that decision that she wanted to go university she was even too shy to visit the open days. So her friends had to drag her there, literally, and made her ask a question to a teacher after she mumbled about something not being clear.
After that she would take her dad to the open days and if she wanted to know something her hand would be the first one in the air.
She told me that as well as her friends pushing her to ask the questions she said very casually that she had to know the answer. If she was going to go to university, she better just get on with it and ask. There was really no other way around it and she quickly realized that.

I asked her what questions she asked:
1.     Can you travel overseas when doing work experience in the third year instead of staying in England?
2.     What happens if I don’t make the grades for university, is there clearing?
3.     Do you allow cars here?
4.     What is the nightlife here really like?
5.     How’s the ratio of boys and girls?
6.     What’s the theft like in the university?

She’s in one of the best universities for her and though she’s still timid at least she knows all the answers to every one of those questions she asked.”

Just do it.

Survival of a University Student =)

Saturday, 28 August 2010


I got them!

A 'C' in Media
DD in Business BTEC

University get ready cos I'm coming for ya!

Survival of a University Student =)

Why Am I Here?

Okaaaay I should probably start by telling you all about me and why I'm here.. I'm 18 about to take my A-Levels and then (hopefully) take that two hour drive down to University.
I started this blog because I found that not many people really write about what its actually like taking that big life changing step to University and I want to be the first person to really tell it how it is.
Anyway, everyone always asks the same questions:
1. What if they don't get the right accommodation?
2. What if their flat-mates are horrible?
3. What if they can't make any friends?
4. What if the course is boring?
5. Or worse, the night-life is a disaster?
But everyone hears the same thing, that: they will love university and the friends you meet will be the ones they keep forever and everyone's in the same boat so its easier to make friends. If the subject is that bad, you can change and the night-life can't be that bad. Student accommodation is never the nicest.
Ultimately, no one tells you the real stuff, like, what its really like the day you move away, the night of the first day, how you really meet new friends, can I really clean my own toilet and much more...

 Survival Of A University Student =)