Thursday, 28 October 2010

Fresher’s Top Tips

I might have stolen the idea out of the magazine I found at my University but mostly it is me…

Look at deals (obviously)!
I admit I wanted everything brand new and expensive because I was the first one off to university. But alas, I saw the error of my ways and searched the internet for deals.

BHS is great for student deals – you can get up to 10% off

Wilkinsons (if you have one near you – I found mine at University and I am always raving on about how good it is)

For those people that really can’t look for individual bargains and want them all done in packs there’s two great websites.

For accessories there’s good old WHSMITH’s

For all your stationery needs

Great for all things computer and accessories

And not to mention,
Who could forget Ikea..?

Survival of a University Student =)

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


I went to Barclays back in July. With my dad, of all people.
It was both the best and worst thing I could do. He asked questions before asking me, "What do you want to do?"
“Well Dad I wanted to open a student account with Barclays but now I don't know…” he just gave me that look that seemed to say, ‘I don’t know about this’.
“You are in a position where you are on the right side of banks…” was what Dad kept on saying in my ear.
“Yes, Dad I know. I have been comparing the banks, I’m not stupid.”
The Barclays guy was really nice about it all and even let me compare on his computer. It was definitely Natwest. A free 5-year Railcard and a NUS card - that’s me sold!
Barclays offer laptop and mobile phone deals. I could get my Dad to buy me that…
Thanks but no thanks mister Barclays man we’re going to Natwest!

Sitting in that room with the Natwest woman and my Dad all looking at me as I had to decide what I wanted to do was more nerve wrecking than getting any exam results.
I wanted Dad to just tell me what I should do. I did ask him. Of course, Dad being Dad he just shrugged. So I said yes.
And then after Dad said, “that was for the best I think”.
Thanks Dad, you couldn’t have told me that before while I was sitting in that chair wanting to cry.

So this time my advice would be to do definitely be more than sure you’re making the right choice before you’re sitting in that chair being pressured into getting a deal that could be horrible.
It compares it all for you.
Again, the forums are great if you ask them.

But now that it’s over I can breathe a very large sigh of relief… I think I’m on the right side of Banks now.

However, saying that I wrote this ages ago and every time I went to post it – my bank would stuff up majorly.
I still haven’t been sent everything they were meant to send me two months ago.

Banks will never be easy going and smooth running (hello, we’re in a recession).
Just pester them until they give in…


Survival of a University Student =)

Friday, 8 October 2010

Washing! (Yes, I am blogging about my washing)

Oh my goodness.
If you could have seen my washing, it’s shameful.
I’ve been putting all my washing in with one of my housemates… so right now, I’m blogging as my first ever big colours wash is on!

I have a good laundry bag that puts the clothes into separate sections: whites, darks, colours. Thinking that it would be really helpful when I bought it at Argos, £9.99 - it’s really not. I sling everything into the top of it and then I found out that you could put your colours in with your darks!
Not saying that’s a bad thing though… I mean that saves me LOADS of time on trying to sort out the washing machine buttons and conditioners.
Yes, I admit it I don’t really know how to use the washing machine. All those buttons and different liquids, tabs I have to put into the machine – it’s just so confusing!
Is this just me being naive and stupid?
My washing should be done soon and then it’s off to face the scary washing line with lots of little spiders falling on me before I have to put on yet another dark wash on… if I can, I’ll do my whites…

My washing advice is only this… Find out what each button does and what the hell you have to buy.
All these Ariel, Lenor, powder stuff your mum has back at home that she puts in the three compartments - really all you need is the fabric conditioner and something to get the stains out.

Or in other words, the only thing I've been able to figure out is where to put the fabric conditioner and the Ariel noggin-thingie that you stick in with the washing - gets all the stains out...

Survival of a University Student =)


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Say Yes... Kinda

Back at work I had a interesting conversation with my colleague, Kiki, that I had to put in this blog.

Kiki: “You'll have so much fun at university... Just say yes – to everything.”
Me: “Umm, well, it certain situations I guess so...”
Kiki: “Oh yeah, right. Not like when meeting you know, guys and stuff…”
Me: “Yeah…”
Kiki: Yeah...
A long awkward silence.

Don’t say YES to everything.
Just saying…

Survival of a University Student =)

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Quick Update

I know that there's still some posts that need to be addressed like; Bank accounts, Unilet/Halls: the difference, Homesickness, cooking, part time jobs etc... But it is coming!

AND, also! a follow great Twitter-er, @Universityru, has asked to feature my blog on their website,
I am so honored and excited - considering I have 3 followers and a Twitter account, UniSSurvival !!!

Everyone check them out & I will update ASAP.

Survival of a University Student =)

Saturday, 2 October 2010

What To Pack

When you have the answer to this, tell me.
I have no clue whatsoever.

I narrowed it down to 2-3 per things. So like, three duvet covers, pillowcases, sheets and two hand towels, bath towels...
The best thing (apparently) is to wait until you get into your place before really shopping around for your kitchen utensils and food but, if you’re like me and get a tiny bit paranoid maybe you can pack a plate, bowl, cup, knife and fork, spoon...

But because you’re on Freshers’ you'll be ordering out a lot, pizza, kebab, curry, fish and chips, McDonald's, KFC, kebab, burger king, pizza, alcohol etc, you can eat most of those with your hands.
And look out for those discounts!

That’s really all I can say…
Bring some toiletries with you but try to get your parents to get you everything you need after you arrive (maybe even get them to do a week shop for you)…

I can safely say that I took my teddy bear with me. I’m not ashamed. There are some things that I just had to take with me but be prepared to leave things behind. It could be a teddy bear and your old horrible tracksuit bottoms that have holes in. Leave some of your favourite things behind or at least a set of clothes so it gives you an excuse to go back home.
Some good links are:

Survival of a University Student =)