Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Second Term

Hopefully by now, you’re out of your holiday phase and you’re ready for a new term. If you’re anything like me, you missed some of your first lectures in the first week that you were back because getting out of bed at 7.30am was physically impossible.
The second term will probably be different than the first. Last term we were meeting new people, getting to know our subject and our course mates, drinking more than you ever have before and trying to stay awake in lectures after a heavy night out. You were turning up still drunk in your lectures, making horrendous meals and going out every night just to see what night was your favourite.
This new term could be good or bad, you’ve now gotten your head around what nights to go out and your housework skills are improving, but there’s still uni work to do and so your new term leading up to April is all about work, assignments and deadlines.
Being at university at first was so much about having fun and figuring out how it all works. But I’ve settled in now properly and with this new term and timetable (that makes it extremely difficult to go to my favourite Tuesday nights out), it’s all about adjusting. I’m having to organise my days better so I fit more in – so long Jezza Kyle – I actually have to work today.
There should be no excuses for turning up late or missing the bus (but it happens). Also, I have a small but improved knowledge of making meals for myself without meals that you can add chips too.

I’ve been at university for about five months and I’m still adjusting, still trying, but isn’t everyone?
However, this new term seems promising…

Survival of a University Student =)

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