Sunday 22 May 2011

Did you miss me?

Did you miss me?

I bet you have hundreds of questions you want to ask me!!
No?... Really? Not even why I was away for so long?

Okaaaay don't hound me at once, I'll tell you: I was studying a lot (like you wouldn't believe), had mental blog-blockage and I was probably out drinking somewhere... The life of a University Student.

I do want to apologise to everyone for being away for so long, it's hard to write down what is actually happening at University, it happens so fast and there's so much to do - it can be a bit hard to describe.

Coming up is a 'reflection' of my first year of university! Yes! It's that time already!!!
This time next Friday I will be getting very drunk with everyone I know feeling on top of the freaking world =)

Leave comments, ask me questions, and enjoy!

Survival of a University Student =)

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